The Amazon page for my book, God Makes Us Holy, is now working (mostly right). Now, I need reader reviews! Reviews raise the page’s status so more people can find the book.
Click this link, and you can purchase a paperback or Kindle version (Thank you!). Or, I can email you a free PDF version if you send me a note (call, text, email, or leave me a message in the comment section below). Or, this week I should get a box of books (Whoop). Read, enjoy, and then PLEASE post a review. Tell the world how the book made you feel or think. The more personal the comments the better, because Amazon is getting picky.
I need 15-20 reviews as soon as possible before starting the focused promotion phase of the book. During that week, the price of the Kindle version will be free or greatly reduced. Tell your friends. Help me get the word out.
So, why read my book? God takes us through a daily and life long journey to remake us into someone holy, like He is holy. It is beautiful, wholesome, and simple process of change. He eagerly grants grace, mercy, and forgiveness. No atrocity is too big. No sin turns Him away. Yet, burdensome religious condemnation stole our understanding of that joy. Complicated theology blinded believers to the simplicity of restoration, regeneration, sanctification, and resurrection.
God Makes Us Holy turns that around and takes us through the steps. Each one starts with God who gives us a choice of how we will respond. God then acts on that response. It is that simple. If we let Him, He will make us holy. This is our Creator’s way.
It is time to accept God’s blessing.
One Response
I certainly recommend it!! Jo has turned the key to enable understanding.