Observation of Opposites
This is my paraphrase of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12; Luke 6:17-38) Crowds came to touch Jesus. They knew healing power flowed through him. All they needed was a touch from God’s prophet. If only they could reach him. Jesus saw the desperation. He knew suffering brought them. Yet, he felt the spiritual […]
#1 The Rich Man’s Question
Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30] The rich young man sought out the rabbi who performed wondrous healings and confounded the best teachers. Excitement filled his racing heart, so he ran and fell to his knees at the feet of Jesus. He believed that of all the rabbis, this one probably knew the deepest […]
#2 The Rich Man’s Question – Good Teacher
Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30] God created humans inherently good, but we blind ourselves to goodness by justifying evil. We mask sin with religious piety. Jesus illustrated this problem by emphasizing the word “good.” Very likely, one of that day’s common sayings was “Only God is good.” However, Greek philosophy had intertwined with […]
#3 The Rich Man’s Question – Outwardly Pious
Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30] From the moment the rich man asked his question, Jesus saw him for who he was: outwardly pious, inwardly conceited. This man trusted the “fear of God” instilled by culture, not from experience, and he presumed himself righteous. Like the majority of man-made gods, the man viewed his […]
#4 The Rich Man’s Question – Broken Commands
Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30] The rich man trusted his abilities to reach sanctification. He wholeheartedly believed he followed the commandments flawlessly and was capable of something more distinctive. Most religions believe “works” make diligent people holy. However, this was the sin of Korah, who rebelled by presuming superiority trumped submission (Numbers 16). […]
#5 The Rich Man’s Question – Poverty
Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30] The encounter shocked the apostles as much as the rich man, particularly after Jesus said wealth made reaching the kingdom difficult. Their society, like ours, believed those who possessed the luxury of time (wealth) and dedicated that time to performing holy acts (piety) attained God’s affection. If that […]
#6 The Rich Man’s Question – Following
Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30] The apostles’ concern prompted Jesus to add a promise. Leaving one’s “normal life” to follow him would be repaid with great interest. How God repays such a dept, is his prerogative and entirely individual. Such a gain could be monetary. However, so could persecution. Instead of leisure, followers […]
#7 The Rich Man’s Question – Eternal Life
Mark 10:17-31 [Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 10:25-37, 18:18-30] The young rich man spent his life perfecting his religious duties. However, he understood the Greek concept of eternal life, not the Hebrew concept. The man thought he needed to earn a reward for his soul’s future. His devotion to religion distorted his understanding of God and hardened […]