The Plural of Abraham’s God
The God of Abraham is singular. Always singular. Except in four verses, where God says “us” and “our” in dialogue. Modern Christians often say these instances acknowledge the Trinity. Except, no Orthodox Jew recognizes the theology’s legitimacy. If Christian theology is the correct interpreter of these passages, then Abraham, Moses, all the prophets, and the […]
Distractions From His Presence
A friend cried out, “Why can’t I stay in His presence? I’m looking straight at Jesus, and something earthly jerks me away, and I can’t get back to him. Why?” Her distress filled the room like blood in a furrow. Why are we so easily distracted? Holy men run to mountains to find focus, and […]
What to Worship
Genesis 1 has many levels of understanding, with only the most limited imparting mythical attributes. A myth reading comes with misunderstanding or disbelief. This series delves into aspects that Sunday school never taught me. Today’s topic is easy. Worship the Creator only. The writer begins with his creed, “In the beginning God created heaven and […]
Who Is the Creator?
Most of the biblical prophets warned the people against the incorporation of foreign beliefs into what God gave at Mt. Sinai. Such actions rejected covenant and diluted faith in the one true God. Even a pious religious façade would not save them. How is that different from Christian’s unbiblical beliefs that overshadow the biblical creation? […]
The Purity of God
What is your basic concept of God? Do you think of Father as far away, secluded in heaven, and isolated from the evils of this corrupt world? Are your sins intolerable to his holiness? Do you wonder how he could love you? Such theology is old. It is common in many religions, including several that […]
Problems with Pain and Prayer
Why is there pain in the world? How could a good God let suffering happen? Does God hear my prayers? These questions are not new. Every culture throughout time has asked them. I asked them. I saw atrocities and injustices. Why did prayer not work to stop things from hurting people? God answered one of […]