Do you really know who God is?
This book is written, but it has a lot of editing to slog through. Please contact me to receive a notice when it arrives.
Creator's Parables tells of my journey through the mess of Christian theologies defining the basic nature of our Creator and a spiritual existence.
Greek philosophies came into play. They distorted Jewish beliefs hundreds of years before Jesus. They blossomed with the first non-Jewish converts to Christianity. They grew into many polytheistic forms still held today.
The Bible made one point repeatedly, One Living God, all others are myths invented by man. However, the believers throughout the Bible accepted the existence of other gods even when they only worshiped the One. That let too many fear and worship their neighbor's gods.
I found the same tendency within Christianity. Instead of gods, other spiritual beings are held as fearful or worthy of worship: angels, saints, demons, and Satan. The myths surrounding them came from neighboring religions and our imagination. The beliefs are not biblical, yet believers insist they are reality.
I asked, "How did God describe himself through the prophets?"